Cheat sheet for Unix.

See also Privilege Escalation on Unix and Unix Post-Exploitation.
Basic commands
OS version
grep VERSION /etc/os-release
cat /etc/redhat-release
cat /etc/oracle-release
lsb_release -a
Kali Linux “Windows 10 theme”
Show current directory
List files from current directory, including hidden files
ls -la
Show host name
Find IP address of a server
nslookup <hostname>
nslookup <hostname> # using Google DNS server
Show network interfaces and IP address
ip a
ip addr
ip addr show tun0
List WiFi adapter against the wlan0 module
Clear the terminal screen
Change password for current user
Count the number of times a word appears in a file
wc file_name
Count number of characters
wc -m file_name
Count number of lines
wc -l file_name
Display date with epoch time
Exemple: 2024-05-03 08:46:19 epoch: 1714740379
date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S epoch: %s'
Info on graphic card and more
Remove file without prompt asking
rm -rf file_to_delete
Remove directory containing files
rm -r directory
Release IP, go in settings to re-enable eth0
dhclient -v -r eth0
List groups of the current user
Users currently logged in and what they are doing
Change file/directory owner/group
chown owner:group file
chown -R owner:group directory
Show file size (human readable)
du -h
File type
file (command) (Wikipedia)
file <filename>
Elevate privileges to root user
sudo su
Run commands as root
sudo <command>
Transfer files

See scp in File Transfer.
Website Whois Search
Registered information in public databases. Get DNS servers (Name Servers), email of the admin. Get names, physical addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, ip addresses, dns server names…
whois ""
Create a directory
mkdir <directory name>
# Creates the whole directory structure including parent directories
mkdir -p parentdir/{dir1,dir2,dir3,...}
Create a user
# -m: will create home directory /home/<username>
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -c "User to ..." -m <username>
sudo passwd <username>
Remove a user
sudo userdel <username>
# Also remove home directory and mail spool for the user
sudo userdel -r <username>
Data streams: STDIN (0), STDOUT (1), STDERR (2)
echo "something" > file # Create file or overwrite
echo "something" >> file # Append
sort < file # Send file to sort's STDIN
Redirect errors to nothing (discard) or to a log file
find /etc -name something 2>/dev/null
find /etc -name something 2>error.log
Piping first output to next program
cat /etc/passwd | sort
Display file contents
Display whole file
cat filename.txt
Display last lines of a file (default 10 lines)
tail <file name>
Display last n lines of a file
tail -n 3 <file name>
Display last lines of a file (live feed)
tail -f <file name>
Display first lines of a file
head <file name>
Display first n lines of a file
head -n 3 <file name>
Environment variables
Show a specific variable
echo $<variable name>
echo $PATH
echo "$$" # PID of current shell
Show all variables
Set variable value
export VAR=value
Replace a command name by an alias… joke 😉
alias whoami='echo "root"'
unalias whoami
Help / Documentation
Manual pages (man)
man <program>
man crontab
Perform keyword search within man pages
man -k <keyword or regex>
man -k crontab
man -k '^crontab$'
Access a specific man page section
man <page> <program>
man 5 crontab
Search the list of man page descriptions (find a command based on its description). Similar to man -k.
apropos <keyword>
apropos schedule
# Calculate the checksum of a file with MD5 hash
md5sum file_name
# Calculate the checksum of a file with SHA hash
sha1sum file_name
du -h /var/cache/apt/archives
apt autoremove
apt autoclean
du -h /var/cache/apt/archives
# Find big files
find / -name '*' -size +1G
find / -name '*' -size +500M
du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 20
Password policy
DEB-based systems (Debian, Kali)
# Minimum password length
# password [success=2 default=ignore] obscure sha512 minlen=8
sudo cat /etc/pam.d/common-password | grep -v -E "^#"
RPM-based systems (RHEL, CentOS 7.x)
# Minimum password length
sudo grep "^minlen" /etc/security/pwquality.conf
In RHEL, CentOS 6.x systems, edit /etc/pam.d/system-auth
# Minimum password length
# password requisite try_first_pass retry=3 type= minlen=8
sudo cat /etc/pam.d/system-auth | grep -v -E "^#"
Screenshot & Videos
Printscreen: capture whole screen
Shift + PrintScreen: select part of the screen to capture
Alt + PrintScreen: captures the current window
Screenshots goes into /root/Pictures
PrtSc – Save a screenshot of the entire screen to the “Pictures” directory.
Shift + PrtSc – Save a screenshot of a specific region to Pictures.
Alt + PrtSc – Save a screenshot of the current window to Pictures.
Ctrl + PrtSc – Copy the screenshot of the entire screen to the clipboard.
Shift + Ctrl + PrtSc – Copy the screenshot of a specific region to the clipboard.
Ctrl + Alt + PrtSc – Copy the screenshot of the current window to the clipboard.
Available in Kali Linux. Click on the camera icon in the upper bar.
# A Unix file is "stored" in two different parts of the disk - the data blocks and the inodes.
# The data blocks contain the "contents" of the file.
# Information about the file is stored in the inode (file structure, DB of all file info except contents and file name).
# Symbolic link (Symlinks/Soft links) are links between files. Shortcut of a file.
# You can delete the soft links without affecting the actual file or directory it is pointing to.
# The inode of the linked file is different from that of the inode of the symbolic link.
# If you delete the source file of the symlink, symlink of that file no longer works.
# Shows the character l (file type corresponding to symbolic link) before the permissions for user, group and other users
# and displays an arrow followed by another file name, meaning it’s a link to another file
ln -s source linkname
# Hard link is the exact replica of the actual file it is pointing to.
# Both the hard link and the linked file shares the same inode.
# If the source file is deleted ,the hard link still works and you will be able to
# access the file until the number of hard links to file isn't zero.
# Hard links can link only files,not directories.
# If the source file of hardline is removed, the link still works.
# With hard links, there is no concept of original file and links , both files are equal.
ln source linkname
Host file
This file is used to resolve hosts names before DNS.