Session Fixation

Session fixation vulnerabilities occur when:

  • A web application authenticates a user without first invalidating the existing session ID, thereby continuing to use the session ID already associated with the user.
  • An attacker is able to force a known session ID on a user so that, once the user authenticates, the attacker has access to the authenticated session.

In the generic exploit of session fixation vulnerabilities, an attacker creates a new session on a web application and records the associated session identifier. The attacker then causes the victim to authenticate against the server using the same session identifier, giving the attacker access to the user’s account through the active session.

Furthermore, the issue described above is problematic for sites that issue a session identifier over HTTP and then redirect the user to a HTTPS log in form. If the session identifier is not reissued upon authentication, the attacker can eavesdrop and steal the identifier and then use it to hijack the session.

Send a request to the site to be tested:


The application sets a new session identifier (e.g. JSESSIONID) for the client.
They will obtain the following answer:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=0000d8eyYq3L0z2fgq10m4v-rt4:-1; Path=/; secure

Authenticate to the application with POST on HTTPS.
Cookie: JSESSIONID=0000d8eyYq3L0z2fgq10m4v-rt4:-1

The tester observes the following response from the server:
If  no new cookie has been issued upon a successful authentication, the  tester knows that it is possible to perform session hijacking.

Result  Expected: The tester can send a valid session identifier to a user  (possibly using a social engineering trick), wait for them to  authenticate, and subsequently verify that privileges have been assigned  to this cookie.

Issue description

Steps to reproduce
RemediationThe application should always first invalidate the existing session ID before authenticating a user, and if the authentication is successful, provide another sessionID.


TitleFixation de session
DescriptionL’attaque par fixation de session permet à une personne mal intentionnée de déterminer l’identifiant de session d’une autre personne. En connaissant le jeton de session d’un utilisateur, il est possible de l’utiliser et de récupérer sa session pour soi.
Cette attaque repose sur le fait que, lorsqu’un utilisateur s’authentifie, un nouveau jeton ne lui est pas attribué, ce qui rend possible l’utilisation de son jeton.
Steps to reproduce
RemediationIl est recommandé d’émettre un nouveau jeton de sessions lorsque l’authentification est effectuée avec succès et d’invalider l’ancien jeton.