Browser Cache Weaknesses


  • Entering sensitive information into the application and logging out. Click on the Back button of the browser to check whether previously displayed sensitive information can be accessed whilst unauthenticated. NOTE: The cache and the history are two different entities. However, they share the same weakness of presenting previously displayed sensitive information.

View cached information

  • Firefox, enter in url bar: about:cache


CVSS Score v32.4 (low)
CVSS Vector v3


TitleSensitive information stored in browser cache/disk
DescriptionThe application leaks sensitive data into the browser cache (files on disk).
Steps to reproduceNavigate in the web application using Firefox.
Open a new tab and go to “about:cache”.
Look at files on disk (Windows):
Include screenshots.
RemediationIt is recommended to check that for every page that contains sensitive information the server instructs the browser not to cache any data. Such a directive can be issued in the HTTP response headers with the following directives:
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Expires: 0
Pragma: no-cache
Difficulty level to fix this vulnerability is assessed at “Simple”.