
Forensic tool to extract information from memory dumps.

Extract information from dump file



/usr/share/volatility/vol.py -f $DUMPFILE -h

Image information

💡 Do not use profile, it will suggest some.

# If no profile is suggested, the dump format might be wrong
/usr/share/volatility/vol.py -f $DUMPFILE imageinfo


/usr/share/volatility/vol.py -f $DUMPFILE --profile=$PROFILE pstree
/usr/share/volatility/vol.py -f $DUMPFILE --profile=$PROFILE pslist

Registry key

volatility -f ch2.dmp --profile=$PROFILE printkey -o 0x9670e9d0 -K 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'

Command line

volatility -f ch2.dmp --profile=$PROFILE cmdline

Connections (command depends on OS)


/usr/share/volatility/vol.py -f $DUMPFILE --profile=$PROFILE netscan


/usr/share/volatility/vol.py -f $DUMPFILE --profile=$PROFILE connscan

Command history

/usr/share/volatility/vol.py -f $DUMPFILE --profile=$PROFILE consoles

Dump the addressable memory for a process

/usr/share/volatility/vol.py -f $DUMPFILE --profile=$PROFILE memdump -p pid -D /root/Downloads

Dump a process to an executable file sample

/usr/share/volatility/vol.py -f $DUMPFILE --profile=$PROFILE procdump -p 2772 --dump-dir /root/Downloads

Available profiles, plugins, etc.

/usr/share/volatility/vol.py -f $DUMPFILE --info

VistaSP0x64           - A Profile for Windows Vista SP0 x64
VistaSP0x86           - A Profile for Windows Vista SP0 x86
VistaSP1x64           - A Profile for Windows Vista SP1 x64
VistaSP1x86           - A Profile for Windows Vista SP1 x86
VistaSP2x64           - A Profile for Windows Vista SP2 x64
VistaSP2x86           - A Profile for Windows Vista SP2 x86
Win10x64              - A Profile for Windows 10 x64
Win10x64_10586        - A Profile for Windows 10 x64 (10.0.10586.306 / 2016-04-23)
Win10x64_14393        - A Profile for Windows 10 x64 (10.0.14393.0 / 2016-07-16)
Win10x64_15063        - A Profile for Windows 10 x64 (10.0.15063.0 / 2017-04-04)
Win10x86              - A Profile for Windows 10 x86
Win10x86_10586        - A Profile for Windows 10 x86 (10.0.10586.420 / 2016-05-28)
Win10x86_14393        - A Profile for Windows 10 x86 (10.0.14393.0 / 2016-07-16)
Win10x86_15063        - A Profile for Windows 10 x86 (10.0.15063.0 / 2017-04-04)
Win2003SP0x86         - A Profile for Windows 2003 SP0 x86
Win2003SP1x64         - A Profile for Windows 2003 SP1 x64
Win2003SP1x86         - A Profile for Windows 2003 SP1 x86
Win2003SP2x64         - A Profile for Windows 2003 SP2 x64
Win2003SP2x86         - A Profile for Windows 2003 SP2 x86
Win2008R2SP0x64       - A Profile for Windows 2008 R2 SP0 x64
Win2008R2SP1x64       - A Profile for Windows 2008 R2 SP1 x64
Win2008R2SP1x64_23418 - A Profile for Windows 2008 R2 SP1 x64 (6.1.7601.23418 / 2016-04-09)
Win2008SP1x64         - A Profile for Windows 2008 SP1 x64
Win2008SP1x86         - A Profile for Windows 2008 SP1 x86
Win2008SP2x64         - A Profile for Windows 2008 SP2 x64
Win2008SP2x86         - A Profile for Windows 2008 SP2 x86
Win2012R2x64          - A Profile for Windows Server 2012 R2 x64
Win2012R2x64_18340    - A Profile for Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 (6.3.9600.18340 / 2016-05-13)
Win2012x64            - A Profile for Windows Server 2012 x64
Win2016x64_14393      - A Profile for Windows Server 2016 x64 (10.0.14393.0 / 2016-07-16)
Win7SP0x64            - A Profile for Windows 7 SP0 x64
Win7SP0x86            - A Profile for Windows 7 SP0 x86
Win7SP1x64            - A Profile for Windows 7 SP1 x64
Win7SP1x64_23418      - A Profile for Windows 7 SP1 x64 (6.1.7601.23418 / 2016-04-09)
Win7SP1x86            - A Profile for Windows 7 SP1 x86
Win7SP1x86_23418      - A Profile for Windows 7 SP1 x86 (6.1.7601.23418 / 2016-04-09)
Win81U1x64            - A Profile for Windows 8.1 Update 1 x64
Win81U1x86            - A Profile for Windows 8.1 Update 1 x86
Win8SP0x64            - A Profile for Windows 8 x64
Win8SP0x86            - A Profile for Windows 8 x86
Win8SP1x64            - A Profile for Windows 8.1 x64
Win8SP1x64_18340      - A Profile for Windows 8.1 x64 (6.3.9600.18340 / 2016-05-13)
Win8SP1x86            - A Profile for Windows 8.1 x86
WinXPSP1x64           - A Profile for Windows XP SP1 x64
WinXPSP2x64           - A Profile for Windows XP SP2 x64
WinXPSP2x86           - A Profile for Windows XP SP2 x86
WinXPSP3x86           - A Profile for Windows XP SP3 x86

Address Spaces
AMD64PagedMemory               - Standard AMD 64-bit address space.
ArmAddressSpace                - Address space for ARM processors
FileAddressSpace               - This is a direct file AS.
HPAKAddressSpace               - This AS supports the HPAK format
IA32PagedMemory                - Standard IA-32 paging address space.
IA32PagedMemoryPae             - This class implements the IA-32 PAE paging address space. It is responsible
LimeAddressSpace               - Address space for Lime
LinuxAMD64PagedMemory          - Linux-specific AMD 64-bit address space.
MachOAddressSpace              - Address space for mach-o files to support atc-ny memory reader
OSXPmemELF                     - This AS supports VirtualBox ELF64 coredump format
QemuCoreDumpElf                - This AS supports Qemu ELF32 and ELF64 coredump format
SkipDuplicatesAMD64PagedMemory - Windows 8/10-specific AMD 64-bit address space.
VMWareAddressSpace             - This AS supports VMware snapshot (VMSS) and saved state (VMSS) files
VMWareMetaAddressSpace         - This AS supports the VMEM format with VMSN/VMSS metadata
VirtualBoxCoreDumpElf64        - This AS supports VirtualBox ELF64 coredump format
WindowsAMD64PagedMemory        - Windows-specific AMD 64-bit address space.
WindowsCrashDumpSpace32        - This AS supports windows Crash Dump format
WindowsCrashDumpSpace64        - This AS supports windows Crash Dump format
WindowsCrashDumpSpace64BitMap  - This AS supports Windows BitMap Crash Dump format
WindowsHiberFileSpace32        - This is a hibernate address space for windows hibernation files.

Scanner Checks
CheckPoolSize          - Check pool block size
CheckPoolType          - Check the pool type
KPCRScannerCheck       - Checks the self referential pointers to find KPCRs
MultiPrefixFinderCheck - Checks for multiple strings per page, finishing at the offset
MultiStringFinderCheck - Checks for multiple strings per page
PoolTagCheck           - This scanner checks for the occurance of a pool tag

amcache                    - Print AmCache information
apihooks                   - Detect API hooks in process and kernel memory
atoms                      - Print session and window station atom tables
atomscan                   - Pool scanner for atom tables
auditpol                   - Prints out the Audit Policies from HKLM\SECURITY\Policy\PolAdtEv
bigpools                   - Dump the big page pools using BigPagePoolScanner
bioskbd                    - Reads the keyboard buffer from Real Mode memory
cachedump                  - Dumps cached domain hashes from memory
callbacks                  - Print system-wide notification routines
clipboard                  - Extract the contents of the windows clipboard
cmdline                    - Display process command-line arguments
cmdscan                    - Extract command history by scanning for _COMMAND_HISTORY
connections                - Print list of open connections [Windows XP and 2003 Only]
connscan                   - Pool scanner for tcp connections
consoles                   - Extract command history by scanning for _CONSOLE_INFORMATION
crashinfo                  - Dump crash-dump information
deskscan                   - Poolscaner for tagDESKTOP (desktops)
devicetree                 - Show device tree
dlldump                    - Dump DLLs from a process address space
dlllist                    - Print list of loaded dlls for each process
driverirp                  - Driver IRP hook detection
drivermodule               - Associate driver objects to kernel modules
driverscan                 - Pool scanner for driver objects
dumpcerts                  - Dump RSA private and public SSL keys
dumpfiles                  - Extract memory mapped and cached files
dumpregistry               - Dumps registry files out to disk
editbox                    - Displays information about Edit controls. (Listbox experimental.)
envars                     - Display process environment variables
eventhooks                 - Print details on windows event hooks
evtlogs                    - Extract Windows Event Logs (XP/2003 only)
filescan                   - Pool scanner for file objects
gahti                      - Dump the USER handle type information
gditimers                  - Print installed GDI timers and callbacks
gdt                        - Display Global Descriptor Table
getservicesids             - Get the names of services in the Registry and return Calculated SID
getsids                    - Print the SIDs owning each process
handles                    - Print list of open handles for each process
hashdump                   - Dumps passwords hashes (LM/NTLM) from memory
hibinfo                    - Dump hibernation file information
hivedump                   - Prints out a hive
hivelist                   - Print list of registry hives.
hivescan                   - Pool scanner for registry hives
hpakextract                - Extract physical memory from an HPAK file
hpakinfo                   - Info on an HPAK file
idt                        - Display Interrupt Descriptor Table
iehistory                  - Reconstruct Internet Explorer cache / history
imagecopy                  - Copies a physical address space out as a raw DD image
imageinfo                  - Identify information for the image
impscan                    - Scan for calls to imported functions
joblinks                   - Print process job link information
kdbgscan                   - Search for and dump potential KDBG values
kpcrscan                   - Search for and dump potential KPCR values
ldrmodules                 - Detect unlinked DLLs
limeinfo                   - Dump Lime file format information
linux_apihooks             - Checks for userland apihooks
linux_arp                  - Print the ARP table
linux_aslr_shift           - Automatically detect the Linux ASLR shift
linux_banner               - Prints the Linux banner information
linux_bash                 - Recover bash history from bash process memory
linux_bash_env             - Recover a process' dynamic environment variables
linux_bash_hash            - Recover bash hash table from bash process memory
linux_check_afinfo         - Verifies the operation function pointers of network protocols
linux_check_creds          - Checks if any processes are sharing credential structures
linux_check_evt_arm        - Checks the Exception Vector Table to look for syscall table hooking
linux_check_fop            - Check file operation structures for rootkit modifications
linux_check_idt            - Checks if the IDT has been altered
linux_check_inline_kernel  - Check for inline kernel hooks
linux_check_modules        - Compares module list to sysfs info, if available
linux_check_syscall        - Checks if the system call table has been altered
linux_check_syscall_arm    - Checks if the system call table has been altered
linux_check_tty            - Checks tty devices for hooks
linux_cpuinfo              - Prints info about each active processor
linux_dentry_cache         - Gather files from the dentry cache
linux_dmesg                - Gather dmesg buffer
linux_dump_map             - Writes selected memory mappings to disk
linux_dynamic_env          - Recover a process' dynamic environment variables
linux_elfs                 - Find ELF binaries in process mappings
linux_enumerate_files      - Lists files referenced by the filesystem cache
linux_find_file            - Lists and recovers files from memory
linux_getcwd               - Lists current working directory of each process
linux_hidden_modules       - Carves memory to find hidden kernel modules
linux_ifconfig             - Gathers active interfaces
linux_info_regs            - It's like 'info registers' in GDB. It prints out all the
linux_iomem                - Provides output similar to /proc/iomem
linux_kernel_opened_files  - Lists files that are opened from within the kernel
linux_keyboard_notifiers   - Parses the keyboard notifier call chain
linux_ldrmodules           - Compares the output of proc maps with the list of libraries from libdl
linux_library_list         - Lists libraries loaded into a process
linux_librarydump          - Dumps shared libraries in process memory to disk
linux_list_raw             - List applications with promiscuous sockets
linux_lsmod                - Gather loaded kernel modules
linux_lsof                 - Lists file descriptors and their path
linux_malfind              - Looks for suspicious process mappings
linux_memmap               - Dumps the memory map for linux tasks
linux_moddump              - Extract loaded kernel modules
linux_mount                - Gather mounted fs/devices
linux_mount_cache          - Gather mounted fs/devices from kmem_cache
linux_netfilter            - Lists Netfilter hooks
linux_netscan              - Carves for network connection structures
linux_netstat              - Lists open sockets
linux_pidhashtable         - Enumerates processes through the PID hash table
linux_pkt_queues           - Writes per-process packet queues out to disk
linux_plthook              - Scan ELF binaries' PLT for hooks to non-NEEDED images
linux_proc_maps            - Gathers process memory maps
linux_proc_maps_rb         - Gathers process maps for linux through the mappings red-black tree
linux_procdump             - Dumps a process's executable image to disk
linux_process_hollow       - Checks for signs of process hollowing
linux_psaux                - Gathers processes along with full command line and start time
linux_psenv                - Gathers processes along with their static environment variables
linux_pslist               - Gather active tasks by walking the task_struct->task list
linux_pslist_cache         - Gather tasks from the kmem_cache
linux_psscan               - Scan physical memory for processes
linux_pstree               - Shows the parent/child relationship between processes
linux_psxview              - Find hidden processes with various process listings
linux_recover_filesystem   - Recovers the entire cached file system from memory
linux_route_cache          - Recovers the routing cache from memory
linux_sk_buff_cache        - Recovers packets from the sk_buff kmem_cache
linux_slabinfo             - Mimics /proc/slabinfo on a running machine
linux_strings              - Match physical offsets to virtual addresses (may take a while, VERY verbose)
linux_threads              - Prints threads of processes
linux_tmpfs                - Recovers tmpfs filesystems from memory
linux_truecrypt_passphrase - Recovers cached Truecrypt passphrases
linux_vma_cache            - Gather VMAs from the vm_area_struct cache
linux_volshell             - Shell in the memory image
linux_yarascan             - A shell in the Linux memory image
lsadump                    - Dump (decrypted) LSA secrets from the registry
mac_adium                  - Lists Adium messages
mac_apihooks               - Checks for API hooks in processes
mac_apihooks_kernel        - Checks to see if system call and kernel functions are hooked
mac_arp                    - Prints the arp table
mac_bash                   - Recover bash history from bash process memory
mac_bash_env               - Recover bash's environment variables
mac_bash_hash              - Recover bash hash table from bash process memory
mac_calendar               - Gets calendar events from Calendar.app
mac_check_fop              - Validate File Operation Pointers
mac_check_mig_table        - Lists entires in the kernel's MIG table
mac_check_syscall_shadow   - Looks for shadow system call tables
mac_check_syscalls         - Checks to see if system call table entries are hooked
mac_check_sysctl           - Checks for unknown sysctl handlers
mac_check_trap_table       - Checks to see if mach trap table entries are hooked
mac_compressed_swap        - Prints Mac OS X VM compressor stats and dumps all compressed pages
mac_contacts               - Gets contact names from Contacts.app
mac_dead_procs             - Prints terminated/de-allocated processes
mac_dead_sockets           - Prints terminated/de-allocated network sockets
mac_dead_vnodes            - Lists freed vnode structures
mac_devfs                  - Lists files in the file cache
mac_dmesg                  - Prints the kernel debug buffer
mac_dump_file              - Dumps a specified file
mac_dump_maps              - Dumps memory ranges of process(es), optionally including pages in compressed swap
mac_dyld_maps              - Gets memory maps of processes from dyld data structures
mac_find_aslr_shift        - Find the ASLR shift value for 10.8+ images
mac_get_profile            - Automatically detect Mac profiles
mac_ifconfig               - Lists network interface information for all devices
mac_interest_handlers      - Lists IOKit Interest Handlers
mac_ip_filters             - Reports any hooked IP filters
mac_kernel_classes         - Lists loaded c++ classes in the kernel
mac_kevents                - Show parent/child relationship of processes
mac_keychaindump           - Recovers possbile keychain keys. Use chainbreaker to open related keychain files
mac_ldrmodules             - Compares the output of proc maps with the list of libraries from libdl
mac_librarydump            - Dumps the executable of a process
mac_list_files             - Lists files in the file cache
mac_list_kauth_listeners   - Lists Kauth Scope listeners
mac_list_kauth_scopes      - Lists Kauth Scopes and their status
mac_list_raw               - List applications with promiscuous sockets
mac_list_sessions          - Enumerates sessions
mac_list_zones             - Prints active zones
mac_lsmod                  - Lists loaded kernel modules
mac_lsmod_iokit            - Lists loaded kernel modules through IOkit
mac_lsmod_kext_map         - Lists loaded kernel modules
mac_lsof                   - Lists per-process opened files
mac_machine_info           - Prints machine information about the sample
mac_malfind                - Looks for suspicious process mappings
mac_memdump                - Dump addressable memory pages to a file
mac_moddump                - Writes the specified kernel extension to disk
mac_mount                  - Prints mounted device information
mac_netstat                - Lists active per-process network connections
mac_network_conns          - Lists network connections from kernel network structures
mac_notesapp               - Finds contents of Notes messages
mac_notifiers              - Detects rootkits that add hooks into I/O Kit (e.g. LogKext)
mac_orphan_threads         - Lists threads that don't map back to known modules/processes
mac_pgrp_hash_table        - Walks the process group hash table
mac_pid_hash_table         - Walks the pid hash table
mac_print_boot_cmdline     - Prints kernel boot arguments
mac_proc_maps              - Gets memory maps of processes
mac_procdump               - Dumps the executable of a process
mac_psaux                  - Prints processes with arguments in user land (**argv)
mac_psenv                  - Prints processes with environment in user land (**envp)