
Generate a word list from a Twitter account.


sudo apt install twofi

Configure a Twitter API key

sudo nano /etc/twofi/twofi.yml
        api_key: <YOUR KEY>
        api_secret: <YOUR SECRET>


twofi --help
Usage: twoif [OPTIONS]
        --help, -h: show help
        --config <file>: config file, default is twofi.yml
        --count, -c: include the count with the words
        --min_word_length, -m: minimum word length
        --term_file, -T <file>: a file containing a list of terms
        --terms, -t: comma separated search terms
                quote words containing spaces, no space after commas
        --user_file, -U <file>: a file containing a list of users
        --users, -u: comma separated usernames
                quote words containing spaces, no space after commas
        --verbose, -v: verbose

Generate a wordlist

Words of minimum 6 characters

twofi -m 6 --users username1,username2,...