Command line of Exploit DB. Offline. The Exploit Database is maintained by Offensive Security.

The Exploit DB website has an Advanced Search feature with the No Metasploit option useful for the OSCP exam.
searchsploit -h
-c, --case [Term] Perform a case-sensitive search (Default is inSEnsITiVe).
-e, --exact [Term] Perform an EXACT match on exploit title (Default is AND) [Implies "-t"].
-h, --help Show this help screen.
-j, --json [Term] Show result in JSON format.
-m, --mirror [EDB-ID] Mirror (aka copies) an exploit to the current working directory.
-o, --overflow [Term] Exploit titles are allowed to overflow their columns.
-p, --path [EDB-ID] Show the full path to an exploit (and also copies the path to the clipboard if possible).
-t, --title [Term] Search JUST the exploit title (Default is title AND the file's path).
-u, --update Check for and install any exploitdb package updates (deb or git).
-w, --www [Term] Show URLs to rather than the local path.
-x, --examine [EDB-ID] Examine (aka opens) the exploit using $PAGER.
--colour Disable colour highlighting in search results.
--id Display the EDB-ID value rather than local path.
--nmap [file.xml] Checks all results in Nmap's XML output with service version (e.g.: nmap -sV -oX file.xml).
Use "-v" (verbose) to try even more combinations
--exclude="term" Remove values from results. By using "|" to separated you can chain multiple values.
e.g. --exclude="term1|term2|term3".
Update the exploit database
searchsploit -u
Exploits location
ls -la /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits
Search for exploits
Search exploits for OpenSSH v6.6
searchsploit OpenSSH 6.6
Examples from help
searchsploit afd windows local
searchsploit -t oracle windows
searchsploit -p 39446
searchsploit linux kernel 3.2 --exclude="(PoC)|/dos/"
searchsploit -s Apache Struts 2.0.0
searchsploit linux reverse password
searchsploit -j 55555 | json_pp
Search SMB exploits on Windows, exclude DoS
searchsploit smb microsoft --exclude=dos
Search only in exploit title
searchsploit -t drupalgeddon user
searchsploit -t priv escalation
Search for a specific CVE

New in Nov 2022
searchsploit --cve 2021-44228
Exploits already in Metasploit
searchsploit drupalgeddon | grep Metasploit
Exploits NOT in Metasploit
searchsploit drupalgeddon --exclude="Metasploit"
searchsploit drupalgeddon | grep -v Metasploit
Exclude unwanted results
searchsploit drupalgeddon --exclude="(PoC)|Authenticated"
searchsploit drupalgeddon | grep -v 'Authenticated'
Examine exploit
searchsploit -x 34992
Copy (“mirrors”) exploit in current directory
searchsploit -m 34992
Automated search for nmap results
nmap -T4 -sV --top-ports 1000 $IP -oX file.xml
searchsploit --nmap file.xml
Other examples
searchsploit afd windows local
searchsploit -p 34992