Web reconnaissance framework written in Python, with a look & feel similar to the Metasploit framework.

Major changes in command syntax happened between different versions.
View current settings
options list
Modify settings
options set PROXY <proxyserver>:<port>
options set USER-AGENT Mozilla/5.0
Install modules
List modules
marketplace info all
Search modules
marketplace search poc
Install a specific module
marketplace refresh
marketplace install recon/domains-contacts/whois_pocs
Install all modules
marketplace install all
Add API keys
keys list
keys add shodan_api <api key>
keys add binaryedge_api <api key>
keys add bing_api <api key>
keys add builtwith_api <api key>
keys add censysio_id <api key>
keys add censysio_secret <api key>
keys add flickr_api <api key>
keys add fullcontact_api <api key>
keys add github_api <api key>
keys add google_api <api key>
keys add hashes_api <api key>
keys add hibp_api <api key>
keys add hunter_io <api key>
keys add ipinfodb_api <api key>
keys add ipstack_api <api key>
keys add namechk_api <api key>
keys add pwnedlist_api <api key>
keys add pwnedlist_secret <api key>
keys add shodan_api <api key>
keys add twitter_api <api key>
keys add twitter_secret <api key>
keys add virustotal_api <api key>
keys add whoxy_api <api key>
Use workspaces to separate results from investigations.
List workspaces
workspaces list
Use an existing workspace
workspaces load megacorpone
Create a workspace
workspaces create megacorpone
Add domains
db insert domains
List installed modules
modules search
Execute modules
Discover contacts – module whois_pocs
modules load recon/domains-contacts/whois_pocs
options set SOURCE megacorpone.com
show contacts
Discover hosts – module hackertarget
Uses the HackerTarget.com API to find host names. Updates the ‘hosts’ table with the results.
modules load recon/domains-hosts/hackertarget
options set SOURCE megacorpone.com
show hosts
Discover hosts – module google_site_web
keys add google_api <api key>
modules load recon/domains-hosts/google_site_web
options set SOURCE megacorpone.com
show hosts
modules load reporting/html
options set CREATOR Lisandre
options set CUSTOMER Megacorpone
options set FILENAME /root/recon-ng-megacorpone.html
options set SANITIZE True