Decoder / Converter / Generator / Decryption Tools

CyberChef can chain multiple “recipes” of encoding/decoding.

Timestamp & epoch time format

Use CyberChef to convert the epoch time format with the From UNIX Timestamp recipe or with the Translate DateTime Format recipe to convert the timezone.

Encode base 64 (Unix)

echo 'this string will be encoded' | base64

Decode base 64 (Unix)

echo 'dGhpcyBzdHJpbmcgd2lsbCBiZSBkZWNvZGVk' | base64 -d


The -n is important!

echo -n "whatever" | md5sum

Binary to decimal

echo "$((2#1011))"

Hex to decimal

echo "$((16#AA))"

Hex to ascii

cat data | xxd -r -p
echo "504b0304140008080800a52c47550000000000000000000000" | xxd -r -p