Word list generator.
Usage Examples
-t | specify the format |
@ | lowercase (from specified charset, if any) |
, | uppercase (from specified charset, if any) |
% | number |
^ | symbols (from specified charset, if any) |

The order in character set MUST be lowercase, uppercase, numbers, then symbols.
Specifying characters to use
You must specify the order as lower case character, upper case character, number, and symbol. If you aren’t going to use a particular character set you use a plus sign as a placeholder.
lowercase number symbol: a1!
crunch 3 3 abc + 123 !@# -t @%^
UPPERCASE hehe (fixed string) lowercase number special: Ahehea1@
crunch 8 8 abc ABC 123 @# -t ,hehe@%^
Fixed password with numbers at the end: Password00 to Password99
crunch 10 10 0123456789 -t Password%% -o passwords.txt
Fixed password with specials & numbers at the end: happy-new+year2014
happy +-_*& new +-_*& year201 number
crunch 18 18 "\+-_*&" 2468 -t happy@new@year201,
Respects common password policy: min 8 chars, lower, upper, number, special
UPPERCASE lowercase(5) number special: Aaaaaa1@
crunch 8 8 abc ABC 123 @# -t ,@@@@@%^
Respects common password policy: min 8 chars, lower, upper, number
UPPERCASE lowercase(5) number special: Aaaaaa01
crunch 8 8 abc ABC 123 @# -t ,@@@@@%%
Phone numbers – starting with 514
crunch 10 10 0123456789 -t 514%%%%%%% -o $DIR/phones514.txt
Numbers only
crunch 1 5 0123456789 -o $DIR/wl_numbers_1_5.txt
crunch 6 6 0123456789 -o $DIR/wl_numbers_6.txt
crunch 7 7 0123456789 -o $DIR/wl_numbers_7.txt
crunch 8 8 0123456789 -o $DIR/wl_numbers_8.txt
Basic Authentication – username=password
# Generate 6 char : same 6 char
crunch 6 6 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 -o $DIR/wl_custom_6.txt
# Will give AAAAAA:AAAAAA (username=password)
# Then use in Burp with base64 encoding
paste -d ":" $DIR/wl_custom_6.txt $DIR/wl_custom_6.txt > $DIR/basic_auth.txt
Bruteforce – 3 to 8 characters
List is almost 2GB!
crunch 3 8 -o $DIR/brute3_8chr.txt
Bruteforce – 1 to 8 alphanum lowercase characters
# Used by Bell routers.
crunch 1 8 -f $CHARSET lalpha-numeric -o $DIR/wl_lalphanum_1_8.txt
Bruteforce – 8 characters (ALL)

53 PB! Crunch will now generate the following number of lines: 6634204312890625
crunch 8 8 -f /usr/share/crunch/charset.lst mixalpha-numeric-all-space -o wl-8chars.txt