
From enumerating logged on users and spidering SMB shares to executing psexec style attacks, auto-injecting Mimikatz/Shellcode/DLL’s into memory using Powershell, dumping the NTDS.dit and more.

This package is a swiss army knife for pentesting Windows/Active Directory environments.

OSCP: Officially allowed during the exam according to the OSCP Exam FAQ


crackmapexec -h
ldap ssh smb winrm mssql

Fix errors

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pywerview/ SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
  if result['type'] is not 'searchResEntry':
sudo nano /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pywerview/
        # Skip searchResRef
        for result in search_results: 
            ### MODIFIED TO FIX CRACKMAPEXEC !!! ###
            #if result['type'] is not 'searchResEntry':
            if result['type'] != 'searchResEntry':



crackmapexec ldap -h
usage: crackmapexec ldap [-h] [-id CRED_ID [CRED_ID ...]] [-u USERNAME [USERNAME ...]] [-p PASSWORD [PASSWORD ...]] [-k] [--export EXPORT [EXPORT ...]]
                         [--aesKey AESKEY [AESKEY ...]] [--kdcHost KDCHOST] [--gfail-limit LIMIT | --ufail-limit LIMIT | --fail-limit LIMIT] [-M MODULE]
                         [-o MODULE_OPTION [MODULE_OPTION ...]] [-L] [--options] [--server {https,http}] [--server-host HOST] [--server-port PORT]
                         [--connectback-host CHOST] [-H HASH [HASH ...]] [--no-bruteforce] [--continue-on-success] [--port {636,389}]
                         [-d DOMAIN | --local-auth] [--asreproast ASREPROAST] [--kerberoasting KERBEROASTING] [--trusted-for-delegation]
                         [--password-not-required] [--admin-count] [--users] [--groups]
                         [target ...]

List modules

Use “-M <modulename>”.

crackmapexec ldap -L
[*] MAQ                       Retrieves the MachineAccountQuota domain-level attribute
[*] adcs                      Find PKI Enrollment Services in Active Directory and Certificate Templates Names
[*] get-desc-users            Get description of the users. May contained password
[*] laps                      Retrieves the LAPS passwords
[*] ldap-signing              Check whether LDAP signing is required
[*] subnets                   Retrieves the different Sites and Subnets of an Active Directory
[*] user-desc                 Get user descriptions stored in Active Directory
crackmapexec ldap -M get-desc-users --options

Use modules

crackmapexec ldap -M ldap-signing $IP

Filter not tested, see filters from ldapsearch?

crackmapexec ldap $IP -u user -p password -d -M get-desc-users -o FILTER="user"

Use Kerberos tickets

-k, --kerberos        Use Kerberos authentication from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME)
export KRB5CCNAME=baduser.ccache
crackmapexec ldap -k $IP

Retrieve the different Sites and Subnets of an Active Directory

crackmapexec ldap $DC_IP -u $USER -d $DOMAIN -p $PASS -M subnets


Get machine name, domain and OS.

crackmapexec smb $IP

–no-bruteforce No spray when using file for username and password (user1 => password1, user2 => password2

crackmapexec smb $IP -u -p "SomePass" --no-bruteforce --continue-on-success
crackmapexec smb $IP -u Administrator -p $WL --no-bruteforce --continue-on-success
crackmapexec smb $IP -u users.txt -H hashes.txt --no-bruteforce --continue-on-success

Enumerate shares and access on a network

crackmapexec smb x.x.x.0/24 -u $USER -p $PASS -d $DOMAIN --shares

Search for pattern in folders and filenames (NOT in file content)

crackmapexec smb $IP -u $USER -p $PASS --spider C\$ --pattern passw user admin account network login cred mdp motdepass

Search for pattern in folders, filenames and file content

❗ Be careful, can be long and verbose.

crackmapexec smb $IP -u $USER -p $PASS --spider C\$ --content --pattern passw user admin account network login cred mdp motdepass

Test on Kali

To test is in Kali Linux, start a SMB server using impacket-smbserver.

sudo impacket-smbserver myshare /home/kali/share
crackmapexec smb $KALI_IP -u "" -p "" --spider MYSHARE --pattern rev

Check if vulnerable to Zerologon

See Zerologon (CVE-2020-1472).

crackmapexec smb $IP -u $USER -p $PASS -d -M zerologon


crackmapexec ssh $IP


Check if hashes are valid. File hash.txt contains all hashes LM:NTLM




crackmapexec winrm $IP -u users -H hashes.txt

–no-bruteforce No spray when using file for username and password (user1 => password1, user2 => password2

crackmapexec winrm $IP -u users.txt -p passwords.txt --no-bruteforce