Custom Word List generator, by spidering a target’s website and collecting unique words. https://digi.ninja/projects/cewl.php


sudo apt install cewl

Generate custom word lists

cewl -d 3 -v -w $WL -e --email_file $EMAILS $URL
cat $WL | sort -u > $WL.clean
# Authenticated user
--auth_user $USERNAME --auth_pass $PASSWORD
# Options

cewl [OPTION] ... URL

--help, -h
    Show help
--depth x, -d x
    The depth to spider to, default 2
--min_word_length, -m
    The minimum word length, this strips out all words under the specified length, default 3
--offsite, -o
    By default, the spider will only visit the site specified. With this option it will also visit external sites
--write, -w file
    Write the ouput to the file rather than to stdout
--ua, -u user-agent
    Change the user agent
    Verbose, show debug and extra output
--no-words, -n
    Don't output the wordlist
--meta, -a file
    Include meta data, optional output file
--email, -e file
    Include email addresses, optional output file
--meta_file file
    Filename for metadata output
--email_file file
    Filename for email output
--meta-temp-dir directory
    The directory used used by exiftool when parsing files, the default is /tmp
--count, -c:
    Show the count for each of the words found
    Digest or basic
    Authentication username
    Authentication password
    Proxy host
    Proxy port, default 8080
    Username for proxy, if required
    Password for proxy, if required
--verbose, -v
    The site to spider.