PetitPotam NTLM Relay

A newly uncovered security flaw in the Windows operating system can be exploited to coerce remote Windows servers, including Domain Controllers, to authenticate with a malicious destination, thereby allowing an adversary to stage an NTLM relay attack and completely take over a Windows domain. […]

Specifically, the attack enables a domain controller to authenticate against a remote NTLM under a bad actor’s control using the MS-EFSRPC interface and share its authentication information. This is done by connecting to LSARPC, resulting in a scenario where the target server connects to an arbitrary server and performs NTLM authentication.

The Hacker News

Check if vulnerable

crackmapexec smb $DC_IP -u $USER -p $PASS -d -M petitpotam

Download exploit

  • PetitPotam (GitHub), original implementation
  • PetitPotam (GitHub), Python implementation for PetitPotam by ly4k