- Netcraft – Technical information on a domain (OS, webserver, IP)
- Netcraft: Search DNS |
- DNS Stuff – 3 categories: DNS Report, WHOIS Lookup, IP Information
- Wigle – Map of Wifi networks
- Shodan – search engine for Internet-connected devices
- Find real IP when website is using Cloudflare: http://www.crimeflare.org:82/cfs.html
- Codata – Index of internet public code (e.g. Github, Stackoverflow)
- Wayback Machine – Archived version of websites
- RocketReach – Email address format
- Security Trails – DNS records, list of subdomains
- OSINT-Discord-resources
- SwaggerHub – Search APIs
- WordPress Theme Detector
- OWASP Amass
Whois – Website Whois Search, Registered information in public databases, Get DNS servers (Name Servers), email of the admin, Get names, physical addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, ip addresses, dns server names
whois $DOMAIN
Reverse lookup
whois $IP
Use crt.sh (subdomains from certificates), sublist3r, GHDB.
dnspop list of subdomains: https://github.com/bitquark/dnspop/tree/master/results
Enumerate subdomains

This interacts with the target when downloading the index page.
wget -O index.html http://www.$DOMAIN
# This regex might need tweaking
grep -o 'href=.*http.*"' index.html | grep $DOMAIN | cut -d "/" -f 3 | sort -u
grep -o '[^/]*\.domain\.com' index.html | sort -u