Cybersecurity Job Search

Look at the current job market

Websites like Tech Layoff Tracker can give you an indication of how well the job market is doing. Before applying or accepting a job offer at a company, check if there are planned layoffs on WARN Tracker (USA only, from the federal WARN Act).

Building a resume

Use different tools to rephrase, get synonyms and build a great resume.

Creating a good LinkedIn profile

Recruiters use LinkedIn to recruit. Improve your odds that a recruiter contacts you by creating a good profile with important keywords for your role.

Apply on your dream job

If you see an open position that interests you and you seem like a great fit, apply on it. The worst that can happen is that they do not contact you.

Job postings often include a long list of requirements. Sometimes this person does not even exist. Stop with that impostor syndrome and apply anyway. See how to Overcome your impostor syndrome.