Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (MSRPC) – port 135 / 593

Microsoft Remote Procedure Call is a protocol that uses the client-server model in order to allow one program to request service from a program on another computer without having to understand the details of that computer’s network.

Depending on the host configuration, the RPC endpoint mapper can be accessed through TCP and UDP port 135, via SMB with a null or authenticated session (TCP 139 and 445), and as a web service listening on TCP port 593.



ls -la /usr/share/nmap/scripts/rpc*
nmap -sV -p 135,593 --script=rpc* $IP -oA nmap-rpc


impacket-rpcdump -h
impacket-rpcdump $IP -port 135
impacket-rpcdump $IP -port 593
impacket-rpcdump $IP > rpc.txt